Past SCOR Working Groups
Group: WG 159
- Title
- Roadmap for a Standardised Global Approach to Deep-Sea Biology for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (DeepSeaDecade)
- Chair(s)
- Kerry Howell (UK) and Ana Hilario (Portugal)
- Reporter
- Judith Gobin
Group: WG 157
- Title
- Toward a new global view of marine zooplankton biodiversity based on DNA metabarcoding and reference DNA sequence databases (MetaZooGene)
- Chair(s)
- Ann Bucklin (USA)
- Reporter
- Judith Gobin
Group: WG 156
- Title
- Active Chlorophyll fluorescence for autonomous measurements of global marine primary productivity
- Chair(s)
- David Suggett (Saudi Arabia) and Philippe Tortell (Canada)
- Reporter
- Jacqueline Uku
Group: WG 155
- Title
- Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS): diversity, coupled dynamics and sensitivity to climate change
- Chair(s)
- Ruben Escribano (Chile) and Ivonne Montes (Peru)
- Reporter
- Marie Alexandrine Sicre
Group: WG 154
- Title
- Integration of Plankton-Observing Sensor Systems to Existing Global Sampling Programs (P-OBS)
- Chair(s)
- Emmanuel Boss (USA) and Anya Waite (Canada)
- Reporter
- Enrique Montes
Group: WG 153
- Title
- Floating Litter and its Oceanic TranSport Analysis and Modelling (FLOTSAM)
- Chair(s)
- Stefano Aliani (Italy)
- Reporter
- Ilka Peeken
Group: WG 152
- Title
- Measuring Essential Climate Variables in Sea Ice (ECV-Ice)
- Chair(s)
- Daiki Nomura (Japan), François Fripiat (Germany), and Brent Else (Canada)
- Reporter
- Hans van Haren
Group: WG 151
- Title
- Iron Model Intercomparison Project (FeMIP)
- Chair(s)
- Alessandro Tagliabue (UK) and Stephanie Dutkiewicz (USA)
- Reporter
- Bradley Moran
Group: WG 150
- Title
- Translation of Optical Measurements into particle Content, Aggregation & Transfer (TOMCAT)
- Chair(s)
- Sari Giering (UK)
- Reporter
- Wee Cheah
Group: WG 149
- Title
- Changing Ocean Biological Systems (COBS): how will biota respond to a changing ocean?
- Chair(s)
- Philip Boyd (Australia)
- Reporter
- Sinjae Yoo
Group: WG 148
- Title
- International Quality Controlled Ocean Database: Subsurface temperature profiles (IQuOD)
- Chair(s)
- Catia Domingues (Australia) and Simon Good (UK) - formerly Matt Palmer (UK)
- Reporter
- Hans van Haren
Group: WG 147
- Title
- Towards comparability of global oceanic nutrient data (COMPONUT)
- Chair(s)
- Michio Aoyama (Japan) and E. Malcolm S. Woodward (UK)
- Reporter
- Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Group: WG 146
- Title
- Radioactivity in the Ocean, 5 decades later (RiO5)
- Chair(s)
- Ken Buesseler (USA) and Minhan Dai (China-Beijing)
Group: WG 145
- Title
- Modelling Chemical Speciation in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs (MARCHEMSPEC)
- Chair(s)
- David Turner (Sweden)
- Reporter
- Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Group: WG 144
- Title
- Microbial Community Responses to Ocean Deoxygenation
- Chair(s)
- Bess Ward (USA)
- Reporter
- Patricia Miloslavich
Group: WG 143
- Title
- Dissolved N2O and CH4 measurements: Working towards a global network of ocean time series measurements of N2O and CH4
- Chair(s)
- Hermann Bange (Germany) and Sam Wilson (USA)
- Reporter
- Patricia Miloslavich
Group: WG 142
- Title
- Quality Control Procedures for Oxygen and Other Biogeochemical Sensors on Floats and Gliders
- Chair(s)
- Arne Körtzinger (Germany) and Ken Johnson (USA)
- Reporter
- Peter Burkill
Group: WG 141
- Title
- Sea-Surface Microlayers
- Chair(s)
- Michael Cunliffe (UK) and Oliver Wurl (Germany)
Group: WG 140
- Title
- Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at the Sea-Ice Interfaces (BEPSII)
- Chair(s)
- Jacqueline Stefels (The Netherlands) and Nadja Steiner (Canada)
Group: WG 139
- Title
- Organic Ligands – A Key Control on Trace Metal Biogeochemistry in the Ocean
- Chair(s)
- Sylvia Sander (New Zealand), Kristen Buck (USA), and Maeve Lohan (UK)
Group: WG 138
- Title
- Modern Planktic Foraminifera and Ocean Changes (with IGBP)
- Chair(s)
- Gerald Ganssen (The Netherlands) and Michal Kucera (Germany)
Group: WG 137
- Title
- Patterns of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Comparative Analysis of Time Series Observation
- Chair(s)
- Kedong Yin (Australia) and Hans Paerl (USA)
Group: WG 136
- Title
- Climatic Importance of the Greater Agulhas System (with WCRP and IAPSO)
- Chair(s)
- Lisa Beal (USA) and Arne Biastoch (Germany)
Group: WG 135
- Title
- Hydrothermal Energy Transfer and its Impact on the Ocean Carbon Cycles
- Chair(s)
- Nadine Le Bris (France) and Chris German (USA)
- Reporter
- Denise Smythe-Wright
Group: WG 134
- Title
- The Microbial Carbon Pump in the Ocean
- Chair(s)
- Nianzhi Jiao (China-Beijing) and Farooq Azam (USA)
Group: WG 133
- Title
- OceanScope
- Chair(s)
- H. Thomas Rossby (USA) and Kuh Kim (Korea)
Group: WG 132
- Title
- Land-based Nutrient Pollution and the Relationship to Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Marine Systems (with LOICZ)
- Chair(s)
- Patricia Glibert (USA) and Lex Bouwman (Netherlands)
Group: WG 131
- Title
- The Legacy of in situ Iron Enrichment: Data Compilation and Modeling
- Chair(s)
- Philip Boyd (New Zealand) and Dorothee Bakker (UK)
Group: WG 130
- Title
- Automatic Visual Plankton Identification
- Chair(s)
- Mark C. Benfield (USA) and Phil Culverhouse (UK)
Group: WG 129
- Title
- Deep Ocean Exchanges with the Shelf
- Chair(s)
- John Johnson (UK) and Vice-Chair: Piers Chapman (USA)
Group: WG 128
- Title
- Natural and Human-Induced Hypoxia and Consequences for Coastal Areas
- Chair(s)
- Jing Zhang (China-Beijing) and Denis Gilbert (Canada)
Group: WG 127
- Title
- Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater
- Chair(s)
- Trevor McDougall (Australia)
Group: WG 126
- Title
- Role of Viruses in Marine Ecosystems
- Chair(s)
- Markus Weinbauer (France) and Steven Wilhelm (USA)
Group: WG 125
- Title
- Global Comparisons of Zooplankton Time Series
- Chair(s)
- David Mackas (Canada) and Hans Verheye (South Africa)
Group: WG 124
- Title
- Analyzing the Links Between Present Oceanic Processes and Paleo-Records (LINKS)
- Chair(s)
- Karin Lochte (Germany) and Marie-Alexandrine Sicre (France)
Group: WG 123
- Title
- Reconstruction of Past Ocean Circulation (PACE)
- Chair(s)
- Jean Lynch-Stieglitz (USA) and Catherine Kissel (France)
Group: WG 122
- Title
- Mechanisms of Sediment Retention in Estuaries
- Chair(s)
- Gerardo Perillo (Argentina) and James Syvitski (USA)
Group: WG 121
- Title
- Ocean Mixing
- Chair(s)
- Robin Muench (USA)
Group: WG 120
- Title
- Marine Phytoplankton and Global Climate Regulation: The Phaeocystis spp. Cluster as a Model
- Chair(s)
- Winfried W.C. Gieskes (The Netherlands) and Sauveur Belviso (France)
Group: WG 119
- Title
- Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators for Fisheries Management
- Chair(s)
- Philippe Cury (France) and Villy Christensen (Canada)
Group: WG 118
- Title
- New Technologies for Observing Marine Life
- Chair(s)
- David Farmer (USA) and Van Holliday (USA)
Group: WG 117
- Title
- Synthesis of Decadal to Millennial Climate Records of the Past 80ky
- Chair(s)
- Michael Sarnthein (Germany) and James Kennett (USA)
Group: WG 116
- Title
- Sediment Trap and 234Th Methods for Carbon Export Flux Determination
- Chair(s)
- Ken Buesseler (USA)
Group: WG 115
- Title
- Standards for the Survey and Analysis of Plankton
- Chair(s)
- Ivan Heaney (UK)
Group: WG 114
- Title
- Transport and Reaction in Permeable Marine Sediments
- Chair(s)
- Bernard Boudreau (Canada) and Markus Huettel (USA)
Group: WG 113
- Title
- Evolution of the Asian Monsoon in Marine Records: Comparison Between Indian and East Asian Subsystems
- Chair(s)
- Pinxian Wang (China-Beijing)
Group: WG 112
- Title
- Magnitude of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and its Influence on Coastal Oceanographic Processes
- Chair(s)
- Bill Burnett (USA) and Evgeny Kontar (Russia)
Group: WG 111
- Title
- Coupling Waves, Currents, and Winds in Coastal Models
- Chair(s)
- Christopher Mooers (USA) and Norden Huang (USA)
Group: WG 110
- Title
- Intercomparison and Validation of Ocean-Atmosphere Flux Fields
- Chair(s)
- Sergey Gulev (Russia) and Peter Taylor (UK)
Group: WG 109
- Title
- Biogeochemistry of Iron in Seawater
- Chair(s)
- David Turner (Sweden) and Keith Hunter (New Zealand)
Group: WG 108
- Title
- Double Diffusion
- Chair(s)
- Yuli Chashechkin (Russia) and Joe Fernando (USA)
Group: WG 107
- Title
- Improved Global Bathymetry
- Chair(s)
- Colin Summerhayes (France)
Group: WG 106
- Title
- Relative Sea Level and Muddy Coasts of the World
- Chair(s)
- Ying Wang (China-Beijing)
Group: WG 105
- Title
- The Impact of World Fisheries Harvests on the Stability and Diversity of Marine Ecosystems
- Chair(s)
- Michael Sinclair (Canada)
Group: WG 104
- Title
- Coral Reef Responses to Global Change: The Role of Adaptation
- Chair(s)
- Robert W. Buddemeier (USA)
Group: WG 103
- Title
- The Role of Wave Breaking on Upper Ocean Dynamics
- Chair(s)
- M.L. Banner (Australia)
Group: WG 102
- Title
- Comparative Salinity and Density of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Basins
- Chair(s)
- Frank Millero (USA)
Group: WG 101
- Title
- Influence of Sea State on the Atmospheric Drag Coefficient
- Chair(s)
- Ian Jones (Australia) and Yoshiaki Toba (Japan)
Group: WG 100
- Title
- Sediment Coring for International Global Change Research
- Chair(s)
- Nick Pisias (USA)
Group: WG 99
- Title
- Linked Mass and Energy Fluxes at Ridge Crests
- Chair(s)
- Martin Sinha (UK)
Group: WG 98
- Title
- Worldwide Large-scale Fluctuations of Sardine and Anchovy Populations
- Chair(s)
- Daniel Lluch-Belda (Mexico) and Robert J.M. Crawford (South Africa)
Group: WG 97
- Title
- Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms
- Chair(s)
- Donald Anderson (USA)
Group: WG 96
- Title
- Acoustic Monitoring of the World Ocean
- Chair(s)
- David Farmer (Canada)
Group: WG 95
- Title
- Sediment Suspension and Sea Bed Properties
- Chair(s)
- Gerhard Graf (Germany)
Group: WG 94
- Title
- Altimeter Data and In-situ Current Observations
- Chair(s)
- V. Zlotnicki (USA)
Group: WG 93
- Title
- Pelagic Biogeography
- Chair(s)
- Annelies Pierrot-Bults (Netherlands)
Group: WG 92
- Title
- Ocean/Atmosphere Palaeochemistry
- Chair(s)
- Eric T. Sundquist (USA)
Group: WG 91
- Title
- Chemical Evolution and Origin of Life in Marine Hydrothermal Systems
- Chair(s)
- Nils G. Holm (Sweden)
Group: WG 90
- Title
- Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Sensor Technology
- Chair(s)
- Dennis J. Mackey (Australia)
Group: WG 89
- Title
- Sea Level and Erosion of the World’s Coastlines
- Chair(s)
- Paul Komar (USA)
Group: WG 88
- Title
- Intercalibration of Drifting Buoys (formerly WG 66)
- Chair(s)
- D. Hansen (USA)
Group: WG 87
- Title
- Fine-Scale Distribution of Gelatinous Planktonic Animals
- Chair(s)
- G.R. Harbison (USA)
Group: WG 86
- Title
- Ecology of Sea Ice
- Chair(s)
- Stephen Ackley (USA)
Group: WG 85
- Title
- Experimental Ecosystems
- Chair(s)
- Li Guanguo (China-Beijing)
Group: WG 84
- Title
- Hydrothermal Emanations at Plate Boundaries
- Chair(s)
- E. Seuss (FRG)
Group: WG 83
- Title
- Wave Modelling
Group: WG 82
Group: WG 81
- Title
- Deep Water Palaeoceanography
- Chair(s)
- N. Shackleton (UK)
Group: WG 80
- Title
- Role of Phase Transfer Processes in the Cycling of Trace Metals in Estuaries
- Chair(s)
- M. Whitfield (UK)
Group: WG 79
- Title
- Geological Variations in Carbon Dioxide and the Carbon Cycle
- Chair(s)
- Eric T. Sundquist (USA)
Group: WG 78
- Title
- Determination of Photosynthetic Pigments in Seawater
- Chair(s)
- R.F.C. Mantoura (UK)
Group: WG 77
- Title
- Laboratory Tests Related to Basic Physical Measurements at Sea
- Chair(s)
- K. Striggow (GDR)
Group: WG 76
- Title
- Ecology of the Deep Sea Floor
- Chair(s)
- A.L. Rice (UK)
Group: WG 75
- Title
- Methodology for Oceanic CO2 Measurements
- Chair(s)
- C.S. Wong (Canada)
Group: WG 74
- Title
- General Circulation of the Southern Ocean
- Chair(s)
- Worth D.Nowlin Jr. (USA)
Group: WG 73
- Title
- Ecological Theory in Relation to Biological Oceanography (formerly WG 59)
- Chair(s)
- K.H. Mann (Canada)
Group: WG 72
- Title
- The Ocean as a Source and Sink for Atmospheric Constituents (formerly WG 44)
- Chair(s)
- Meinrat O. Andreae (USA)
Group: WG 71
- Title
- Particulate Biogeochemical Processes
- Chair(s)
- S. Krishnaswami (India)
Group: WG 70
- Title
- Remote Measurements of the Oceans from Satellites
- Chair(s)
- Jim F.R. Gower (Canada)
Group: WG 69
- Title
- Small-Scale Oceanic Turbulence
- Chair(s)
- K.N. Federov (USSR)
Group: WG 68
- Title
- North Atlantic Circulation
- Chair(s)
- F. Schott (USA)
Group: WG 67
Group: WG 66
- Title
- Oceanic Application of Drifting Buoys
- Chair(s)
- G. Creswell (Australia)
Group: WG 65
Group: WG 64
- Title
- Oceanic Atoll Drilling
Group: WG 63
Group: WG 62
- Title
- Carbon Budget of the Ocean
- Chair(s)
- Edward D. Goldberg (USA)
Group: WG 61
- Title
- Sedimentation Processes at Continental Margins
- Chair(s)
- I.N. McCave (UK)
Group: WG 60
- Title
- Mangrove Ecosystems
Group: WG 59
Group: WG 58
- Title
- Arctic Ocean Heat Budget
- Chair(s)
- A. Foldvik (Norway)
Group: WG 57
- Title
- Coastal and Estuarine Regimes
- Chair(s)
- J.B. Matthews (USA)
Group: WG 56
- Title
- Equatorial Upwelling Systems
- Chair(s)
- H. Rotschi (Ivory Coast)
Group: WG 55
- Title
- Prediction of El Niño
- Chair(s)
- D. Stuart (USA)
Group: WG 54
- Title
- Southern Ocean Ecosystems and their Living Resources
- Chair(s)
- Sayed Z. El-Sayed (USA)
Group: WG 53
Group: WG 52
- Title
- Estimation of Micro-Nekton Abundance
- Chair(s)
- W.G. Pearcy (USA)
Group: WG 51
- Title
- Evaluation of CTD Data
Group: WG 50
Group: WG 49
- Title
- Mathematical Modelling of Oceanic Processes
- Chair(s)
- K. Bryan (USA)
Group: WG 48
Group: WG 47
Group: WG 46
- Title
- River Inputs to Ocean Systems
- Chair(s)
- D. Lal (India) - 1974-1979, J.D. Burton - 1982
Group: WG 45
Group: WG 44
- Title
- Ocean-Atmosphere Materials Exchange
- Chair(s)
- Roger Chesselet (France)
Group: WG 43
- Title
- Oceanography Related to GATE
- Chair(s)
- Gerold Siedler (FRG)
Group: WG 42
- Title
- Pollution of the Baltic
- Chair(s)
- Initially I. Hela, succeeded by Gunnar Kullenberg (Denmark)
Group: WG 41
Group: WG 40
- Title
- Palaeo-Oceanography
Group: WG 39
Group: WG 38
Group: WG 37
Group: WG 36
Group: WG 35
Group: WG 34
- Title
- Internal Dynamics of the Ocean
- Chair(s)
- Allan Robinson (USA)
Group: WG 33
- Title
- Phytoplankton Methods
- Chair(s)
- Karl Banse (USA)
Group: WG 32
Group: WG 31
Group: WG 30
Group: WG 29
Group: WG 28
- Title
- Air-Sea Interaction
Group: WG 27
- Title
- Tides of the Open Sea
Group: WG 26
Group: WG 25
- Title
- Nutrient Chemistry
Group: WG 24
- Title
- Estimation of Primary Production under Special Conditions
- Chair(s)
- T.R. Parsons (Canada)
Group: WG 23
- Title
- Zooplankton Laboratory Methods
- Chair(s)
- V. Kr. Hansen (Denmark)
Group: WG 22
- Title
- Marine Pollution
Group: WG 21
- Title
- Continuous Current Velocity Measurements
- Chair(s)
- J.C. Swallow
Group: WG 20
- Title
- Radiocarbon Estimation of Primary Production
- Chair(s)
- E. Steemann Nielsen (Denmark)
Group: WG 19
Group: WG 18
Group: WG 17
- Title
- Determination of Photosynthetic Pigments (joint with UNESCO)
- Chair(s)
- J. Krey (Germany)
Group: WG 16
Group: WG 15
- Title
- Photosynthetic Radiant Energy (joint with UNESCO and IAPO)
- Chair(s)
- John E. Tyler (USA)
Group: WG 14
Group: WG 13
- Title
- Zooplankton Sampling Methods (joint with ICES and UNESCO)
- Chair(s)
- J.H. Fraser
Group: WG 12
- Title
- Abstracts and Bibliographies
- Chair(s)
- Saul B. Saila, University of Rhode Island, USA
Group: WG 11
- Title
- Atlases
- Chair(s)
- Joseph L. Reid, Jr.
Group: WG 10
Group: WG 9
- Title
- Fisheries Oceanography
- Chair(s)
- Wilbert McLeod Chapman
Group: WG 8
- Title
- Radio-aids to Navigation
Group: WG 7
- Title
- World Data Centres
- Chair(s)
- J.R. Lumby (USA)
Group: WG 6
- Title
- Chemical Oceanography
- Chair(s)
- B.H. Ketchum (USA)
Group: WG 5
- Title
- International Indian Ocean Expedition
- Chair(s)
- Columbus O’D. Iselin (USA), later George E.R. Deacon (UK)
Group: WG 4
- Title
- Physical Properties of Sea Water
- Chair(s)
- Håkon Mosby (Norway)
Group: WG 3
- Title
- Measurements of the Productivity of the Sea and of the Standing Crops of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton (renamed Biological Production of the Sea)
- Chair(s)
- Norman B. Marshall (UK)
Group: WG 2
- Title
- Carbon Dioxide in the Ocean
- Chair(s)
- N.W. Rakestraw (USA)
Group: WG 1
- Title
- Radioactivity in the Ocean
- Chair(s)
- Y. Miyake (Japan)