SCOR Working Group 128

Natural and Human-Induced Hypoxia and Consequences for Coastal Areas

Jing Zhang (China-Beijing) and Denis Gilbert (Canada)
Other Full Members
Venu Ittekkot (Germany), Lisa Levin (USA), Jack Middelburg (The Netherlands), Pedro Monteiro (South Africa), Wajih Naqvi (India), Temel Oguz (Turkey), Nancy Rabalais (USA), and Osvaldo Ulloa (Chile)
Associate Members
Boris Dewitte (France), Werner Ekau (Germany), Ragnar Elmgren (Sweden), Elva Escobar (Mexico), Andy Gooday (UK), Mike Kemp (USA), Angelica Peña (Canada), Mary Scranton (USA), and Anja van der Plas (Namibia)
Terms of Reference
  1. Synthesize the state of the science for the following aspects of coastal hypoxia: (a) prevalence and spatio-temporal variability; (b) natural and human causes; and (c) effects on the biogeochemistry and ecology; and (d) resistance, resilience and recovery of ecosystems.

  2. Identify gaps in our understanding of hypoxia and make recommendations for future research;

  3. Determine the requirements for observing and modeling hypoxia and its impacts in coastal systems; and

  4. Document the work of the group in a special issue of a peer-reviewed international journal or a book by a major publisher.

September 2005
Financial Sponsors
  1. 6-7 April 2006 in Vienna, Austria

  2. 20-23 September 2007 in Shanghai, China
