SCOR Working Group 140

Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at the Sea-Ice Interfaces (BEPSII)

Jacqueline Stefels (The Netherlands) and Nadja Steiner (Canada)
Other Full Members
Gerhard Dieckmann (Germany), Elena Golubeva (Russia), Klaus Meiners (Australia), Lynn Russell (USA), Paul Shepson (USA), Letizia Tedesco (Finland), Jean-Louis Tison (Belgium), and Martin Vancoppenolle (France)
Associate Members
Kevin Arrigo (USA), Jeff Bowman (USA), Clara Deal (USA), Bruno DeLille (Belgium), Scott Elliot (USA), Michael Fischer (Germany), Agneta Fransson (Norway), Francois Fripiat (Belgium), Claire Hughes (UK), Delphine Lannuzzel (Australia), Sang Heon Lee (Korea), Maurice Levasseur (Canada), Brice Loose (USA), Paty Matrai (USA), Christine Michel (Canada), Lisa Miller (Canada), Jun Nishioka (Japan), Daiki Nomura (Norway). Janne-Markus Rintala (Finland), Benjamin Saenz (USA), Veronique Schoemann (Netherlands), Lise-Lotte Soerensen (Denmark), David Thomas (UK), Maria van Leeuwe (Netherlands), Roland von Glasow (UK), Chris Zappa (USA), and JiaYun Zhou (Belgium)
Terms of Reference
  1. Standardisation of methods for data intercomparison.

  2. Summarizing existing knowledge in order to prioritise processes and model parameterizations.

  3. Upscaling of processes from 1D to earth system models.

  4. Analysing the role of sea ice biogeochemistry in climate simulations

September 2011
Financial Sponsors
  1. Meeting 1: 16 March 2013, Ventura, California, USA (Notes) (Summary)

  2. November 2013 Update

  3. Meeting 2: 16 March 2014, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

  4. 2014 Annual Report to SCOR

Group Website
  • Meiners, K.M., M. Vancoppenolle, S. Thanassekos, G.S. Dieckmann, D.N. Thomas, J.-L. Tison, K.R. Arrigo, D.L. Garrison, A. McMinn, D. Lannuzel,  P. van derMerwe, K.M. Swadling,W.O. Smith Jr., I.Melnikov, and B. Raymond. 2012. Chlorophyll a in Antarctic sea ice from historical ice core data.  Geophysical Research Letters 39:L21602, doi:10.1029/2012GL053478.

    Data and metadata

  • Steiner, N.S., J.R. Christian, K.D. Six, A. Yamamoto, and M. Yamamoto-Kawai. 2014. Future ocean acidification in the Canada Basin and surrounding Arctic Ocean from CMIP5 earth system models. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 119:1-16. doi: 10.1002/2013JC009069

  • Vancoppenolle, M., K.M. Meiners, C. Michel, L. Bopp, F. Brabant, G. Carnat, B. Delille, D. Lannuzel, G. Madec, S. Moreau, J.-L. Tison, P. van der Merwe.2012. Role of sea ice in global biogeochemical cycles: emerging views and challenges. Quaternary Science Reviews 79: 207-230.

  • Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at Sea-Ice Interfaces (BEPSII) – Special issue of Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene

  • Henley, S. F., Cozzi, S., Fripiat, F., Lannuzel, D., Nomura, D., Thomas, D. N., Meiners, K. M., Vancoppenolle, M., Arrigo, K., Stefels, J., Leeuwe, M. van, Moreau, S., Jones, E. M., Fransson, A., Chierici, M., & Delille, B. (2023). Macronutrient biogeochemistry in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: Insights from a circumpolar data compilation. Marine Chemistry, 257, 104324.