Guayaquil, Ecuador
ANNOTATED AGENDA (times and report summaries)
The closed Executive Committee meeting will take place on Monday 16 of October (am) and Thursday 19 of October (pm)
Time: 9:00 am to 5 pm Ecuador time (GMT -5)
Venue: Wyndham Guayaquil Puerto Santa Ana
Meeting mode: hybrid – Zoom links to be provided to remote participants
Pre-event: Marine Sciences in Ecuador – organized by INOCAR (Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada, Ecuador) and SCOR
View the program HERE. Register at the meeting link below.
Registration to SCOR 2023 Annual Meeting
Registration is closed
16 October 2023. Closed SCOR Executive Committee meeting (session 1). Open Symposium Marine Sciences in Ecuador – organized by SCOR and INOCAR
17 October 2023. SCOR Annual Meeting Day 1: Opening, discussion of new WG proposals
18 October 2023. SCOR Annual Meeting Day 2: Reports/updates from current SCOR Working Groups and research projects
19 October 2023. SCOR Annual Meeting Day 3: Reports/updates from infrastructural projects, affiliated organizations and capacity development activities, closing of meeting. Closed SCOR Executive Committee meeting (session 2)
Review of WG Proposals
2023 Call for Working Group Proposals
Twelve SCOR working group proposals were submitted for consideration for the 2023 SCOR Call for proposals. The proposals are linked below in Tab 2.1.
Instructions for reviewing the proposals are available here. We welcome reviews from national SCOR committees, partner organizations, and individuals.
The call for review and the review template in editable format can be found here.
Background Information and content for Meeting
Tab 0. Agenda and Participants List
0.1. Agenda [Block and Annotated Agenda]
Annual Meeting DAY 1: 17 October 2023
Tab 1 – Opening topics
1.1. In Memoriam – Obituary for scientists involved with SCOR [Obituaries][Slides]
1.2. Report of the SCOR President [Report]
1.3. Report of SCOR Executive Director [Slides]
1.4. SCOR compiled capacity development activities (SCOR Visiting Scholars, POGO-SCOR Fellowships, NSF travel support for developing countries, and others) [Report][Slides]
1.5. Report of the 2023 ad hoc Finance Committee
Tab 2 – Working Groups
Tab 2.1. New Working Group proposals
2.1.1. 4D-BGC: Coordinating the Development of Gridded Four-Dimensional Data Products from Biogeochemical-Argo Observations [Proposal]
2.1.2. Assessing Microplastic Impacts & Transport in Upwelling Systems (AMITUS) [Proposal]
2.1.3. Data Insight through the Value of Eco-marine-robotics (DIVE) [Proposal]
2.1.4. Foraminifera in Extreme and Rapidly Changing Environments (FIERCE) [Proposal]
2.1.5. Fine-scale near-surface stratification in the Polar Oceans (FINESS) [Proposal]
2.1.6. Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds (GLUBS) [Proposal]
2.1.7. Towards best practices for Measuring and Archiving Stable Isotopes in Seawater (MASIS) [Proposal]
2.1.8. Monitoring Ocean Health: Assessing the global state and trend in phytoplankton biomass and biodiversity (MOHealth 2024) [Proposal]
2.1.9. NEw physiological Metrics for Oceanography from ‘Omics (NEMOO) [Proposal]
2.1.10. Oceanic Salt Intrusion into Tidal Freshwater Rivers (SALTWATER) [Proposal]
2.1.11. Studying Worldwide Impacts of Calcification Trends on CHanging Climate (SWITCH) [Proposal]
2.1.12. TRACE element SAMplers and sensORS, A step change to observing and understanding trace metal biogeochemistry in the ocean (TRACEAMORS) [Proposal]
Tab 5 – Affiliated and Non-governmental Organizations (Part 1)
Affiliated organizations reports
5.4. IABO – International Association for Biological Oceanography [Report][Slides]
5.5. IAPSO – International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans [Report] [Slides]
5.6. IAMAS – International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences [Report/Slides][Video]
Annual Meeting DAY 2: 18 October 2023
Note: Ordering of the 18 October 2023 agenda items is dependent on time zones of presenters and not the order shown below.
Tab 2.2. Working Groups Reports
2.2.1. WG#148. International Quality Controlled Ocean Database: Subsurface temperature profiles (IQuOD) [Report][Slides]
2.2.2. WG#150. Translation of Optical Measurements into particle Content, Aggregation & Transfer (TOMCAT) [Report]
2.2.3. WG#151. Iron Model Intercomparison Project (FeMIP) [Report][Slides]
2.2.4. WG#152. Measuring Essential Climate Variables in Sea Ice (ECV-Ice) [Report][Slides]
2.2.5. WG#153. Floating Litter and its Oceanic TranSport Analysis and Modelling (FLOTSAM) [Report][Slides]
2.2.6. WG#155. Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS): diversity, coupled dynamics and sensitivity to climate change [Report][Slides]
2.2.7. WG#156. Active Chlorophyll fluorescence for autonomous measurements of global marine primary productivity [Report][Slides] [Video]
2.2.8. WG#157. Toward a new global view of marine zooplankton biodiversity based on DNA metabarcoding and reference DNA sequence databases (MetaZooGene) [Report][Video]
2.2.9. WG#158. Coordinated Global Research Assessment of Seagrass System (C-GRASS) [Report][Slides][Video]
2.2.10. WG#159. Roadmap for a Standardised Global Approach to Deep-Sea Biology for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (DeepSeaDecade) [Report][Slides]
2.2.11. WG# 160. Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing (ATOMIX) [Report][Slides][Video]
2.2.12. WG# 161. Respiration in the Mesopelagic Ocean (ReMO): Reconciling ecological, biogeochemical and model estimates [Report][Slides]
2.2.13. WG# 162. Developing an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) [Report][Video]
2.2.14. WG# 163. Coupling of ocean-ice-atmosphere processes: from sea-Ice biogeochemistry to aerosols and Clouds (CIce2Clouds) [Report][Slides]
2.2.15. WG# 164. CoNCENSUS: Advancing standardisation of COastal and Nearshore demersal fish visual CENSUS techniques [Report][Video]
2.2.16. WG# 165. Mixotrophy in the Oceans – Novel Experimental designs and Tools for a new trophic paradigm (MixONET) [Report][Slides]
2.2.17. WG# 166. Developing resources for the study of Methylated Sulfur compound cycling PROcesses in the ocean (DMS-PRO) [Report][Slides]
2.2.18. WG# 167. Reducing Uncertainty in Soluble aerosol Trace Element Deposition (RUSTED) [Report][Slides]
Tab 3 – Large-Scale Ocean Research Projects reports
3.1. GEOTRACES – Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes [Report] [Annex – Regional reports][Slides]
3.2. SOLAS – Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study [Report][Slides]
3.3. IMBeR – Integrated Marine Biosphere Research [Report][Slides]
3.4. IQOE – International Quiet Ocean Experiment [Report] [Slides]
3.5. IIOE-2 – International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 [Report] [Slides]
Tab 4 – Infrastructural Projects reports
4.1. SOOS – Southern Ocean Observing System [Report][Slides]
4.2. IOCCP – International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project [Report][Slides]
4.3. COBS – Changing Ocean Biological Systems [Report][Narrated Slides]
4.4. GlobalHAB – Global Harmful Algal Blooms [Report][Slides]
4.5. JCS – Joint Committee on Seawater (IAPWS/SCOR/IAPSO) [Report][Slides]
Tab 5 – Affiliated projects and Non-governmental Organizations (Part 2)
Affiliated projects reports
5.1. IOCCG – International Ocean Colour Co-ordinating Group [Report][Slides]
5.2. InterRidge – International RIDGE Studies [Report]
5.3. GACS – Global Alliance of Continuous Plankton Recorders
Annual Meeting DAY 3: 19 October 2023
Tab 6 – Intergovernmental and partner Organizations
Intergovernmental organizations reports
6.1. IOC – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission [Report]
6.2. PICES – North Pacific Marine Science Organization [Video]
6.3. GESAMP WG 38– The atmospheric input of chemicals to the oceans [Report][Slides]
Partner organizations reports
6.4. POGO – Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans [Report][Slides][Video]
6.5. ISC – International Science Council [ISC Annual Report][Slides]
6.6. SCAR – Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research [Report][Slides]
6.7. Future Earth and the Ocean Knowledge Action Network [Report][Slides]
6.8. WCRP – World Climate Research Programme / CLIVAR [Report][Video]
Tab 7 – Capacity-Development Activities
POGO-SCOR Fellowship Programme [Report]
Regional Graduate Networks in Oceanography (RGNO)

Narrated presentations can also be accessed through the SCOR YouTube channel