
SOLAS Special Section: Greenhouse Gas Budgets Across the Land-Ocean Continuum

SOLAS Special Section: Greenhouse Gas Budgets Across the Land-Ocean Continuum

SOLAS is organising a special section in the journal Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research.

Focus Theme:
Greenhouse Gas Budgets Across the Land-Ocean Continuum

Greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) uptake, production and emission rates in near-coastal systems remain highly uncertain, yet their quantification is crucial to both adequately assess domestic and global inventories in view of ongoing climate change, and to enable accurate reporting as well as effective mitigation measures. This special section welcomes contributions addressing greenhouse gas cycling and emissions in coastal to offshore environments, spanning natural, climate change induced, and other anthropogenic sources/sinks (e.g. aquaculture, waste water plants, river discharge). The aim of the special section is to present a holistic synthesis of the current state-of-the-science in greenhouse gas budgets across the land-ocean continuum.

Submissions are encouraged for 2025. Article Processing Charges are waived, and a free figure polishing service by the China Central Academy of Fine Arts is offered for accepted manuscripts. Please select the Section/Category ‘Greenhouse Gas Budgets Across the Land-Ocean Continuum’ to request inclusion in this special section when submitting your manuscript using the following link:

SOLAS Seminar X on 22 January 2025

Register Now! SOLAS Seminar X on 22 January 2025,
14:00-15:15 UTC+1, Online

The SOLAS seminar series is a quarterly event, which is structured around SOLAS relevant topics covered by the SOLAS 2015-2025 Science Plan and beyond, with the aims of fostering discussions on cutting edge scientific questions, providing researchers at all career stages with the opportunity to interact and building SOLAS community across the globe.

The 10th seminar of the series will focus on “Plastic accumulation at key interfaces”. The seminar is hosted by SOLAS Italy, SOLAS Early Career Scientist Committee (ECSC) & University of Siena and will be held online from 14:00-15:15 UTC+1 on 22 January 2025.

Registration is open and free of charge.

Read the full announcement here.

SOLAS Announcement: SOLAS Seminar X on 22 January 2025

Register Now! SOLAS Seminar X on 22 January 2025, Online

The SOLAS seminar series is a quarterly event, which is structured around SOLAS relevant topics covered by the SOLAS 2015-2025 Science Plan and beyond, with the aims of fostering discussions on cutting edge scientific questions, providing researchers at all career stages with the opportunity to interact and building SOLAS community across the globe.

The 10th seminar of the series is hosted by SOLAS Italy, SOLAS Early Career Scientist Committee (ECSC) & University of Siena and will be held online from 14:00-15:15 UTC+1 on 22 January 2025.

In light of the upcoming SPARSE workshop “Surface PlAstic Remote SEnsing: a way forward for the detection of marine litter and floating matter” (28-30 May 2025, Siena, Italy) funded by ESA-Future Earth Joint Initiative with SOLAS’ sponsorship, this seminar introduces the topic of plastic pollution at key interfaces, at the air-sea interface in particular and in other aquatic environments, and its effects on ecosystems health and fundamental biogeochemical cycles. Since the plastic problem stems from land, identifying hot-spots of plastic accumulation allows for early mitigation strategies.

Registration is open and free of charge. More information on SOLAS website here.

GEOTRACES Student and Early Career Scientist Mailing List – Sign up

Students, early career scientists and supervisors: please share this information with your colleagues!

The GEOTRACES Early Career Scientist (ECS) Committee wishes to create a mailing list of GEOTRACES students (Master and PhD) and Early Career Scientists (be no more than 10 years from PhD completion – not counting time for career interruptions), to foster collaborations and promote activities within the framework of GEOTRACES science.

Are you a GEOTRACES student or early career scientist? Would you like to be in?

Register here: