Beijing, China
Date: 20 October 2009 - 22 October 2009
Materials for Meeting
- First Announcement of Meeting
- Call for Working Group Proposals
- Call for Review of Working Group Proposals
- Evaluating the ecological status of the world’s fished marine ecosystems
- Coupled climate-to-fish-to-fishers models for understanding mechanisms underlying low-frequency fluctuations in small pelagic fish
Support Letter from IMBER
Support Letter from PICES - Sea ice biogeochemistry
July 5 version (indicates more potential WG members who have agreed to serve if the group is approved)
Support Letter from SCAR Antarctica and the Global Climate System Steering Committee
Support Letter from SOLAS (added 19 Sept.) - Climatic Importance of the Greater Agulhas System
Support Letter from IMAGES - Patterns of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Comparative Analysis of Time Series Observation
Support Letter from PICES
Support Letter from UNESCO Regional Office in Perth - Coastal Lagoons
- Logistical Information
- Transportation from/to Airport
- Lodging and Meeting Location
- Meals
- Health Information
- Block Agenda
Background Book for Meeting
There will appear to be missing pages in some of the tabs because substitutions were made in the pdf file after they were created, but the index at the front of each tab will still refer to the correct page numbers for each item.
- Annotated Agenda and Participants List (posted 10 September; 0.12 MB)
- Tab 1 – Opening Session (posted 9 September; 0.07 MB)
- Tab 2 – Working Group Reports (posted 26 August; revised on 1 Sept.: 6.0 MB)
- Report from WG 131 (added 16 September)
- Tab 3 – Large-Scale Ocean Research Projects (posted 3 September; 0.72 MB)
- Tab 4 – Ocean Carbon and Other Activities (posted 30 August; 0.65 MB)
- Tab 5 – Capacity-Building Activities (posted 4 September; 0.32 MB)
- Report on POGO/SCOR Fellowships for 2009 (posted 18 Sept.)
- Tab 6 – Relations with Intergovernmental Organizations (posted 8 September; 0.07 MB)
- Tab 7 – Relations with Non-governmental Organizations (posted 10 September; 0.55 MB)
- Report from IABO (posted 8 October)
- Tab 8 – Organization and Finance (posted 9 September; 0.89 MB)
- Tab 9 – SCOR-Related Meetings (posted 4 September; 0.02 MB)