SCOR Committee on Capacity Development

Chair: Rebecca Zitoun (Australia)


  • Sanae Chiba (Canada/PICES)
  • Mauro Cirano (Brazil)
  • Ntahondi Nyandwi (Tanzania)
  • Viena Puigcorbé (Spain)
  • Moagabo Ragoasha (South Africa)
  • Rui Seabra (Portugal)
  • Paula Sierra (Colombia)
  • Jennifer Verduin (Australia)
  • Sun Xiaoxia (China-Beijing)

Jim Costopulos (Global Oceans)
Julius Francis (WIOMSA)
Peter Pissierssens/Ana Carolina Mazzuco (IODE/IOC)
Eric Raes (IIOE-2 Early Career Scientists Network)
Sophie Seeyave (POGO)

Terms of Reference:

  1. Provide direction for SCOR’s capacity-development activities: participation of scientists from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in SCOR activities (e.g., guidelines for WG proposals), the POGO-SCOR Fellowship Program, travel grants (e.g., guidelines for grants), and provision of reports to libraries in developing countries.
  2. Guide and assist SCOR Executive Director in development of new capacity-development activities, particularly the Regional Graduate Networks of Oceanography activity.
  3. Assist SCOR-sponsored projects and working groups in developing and implementing their capacity-development activities.
  4. Help SCOR arrange funding for existing and new capacity-development activities.
  5. Assist SCOR in interacting with regional and international groups related to capacity development in ocean sciences, such as the ICSU regional centers, START, IOC regional programs, etc.
  6. Members of the SCOR Committee on Capacity Development will be appointed for three years, with one additional renewal for a total period of service of 6 years.

Date Formed: June 2007


Virtual Conference on Application of Ocean Science and Technology for the Practice of Sustainable “Blue Economy” in Developing Countries