Programs Affiliated to SCOR

In 1995, SCOR developed a process for affiliation of research programs and long-term study committees with SCOR. The process was revised in 2023. Programs can apply for affiliation through a process described in the link below. SCOR does not provide financial support to these programs, but affiliation may increase a program’s international visibility and access to scientists in SCOR member nations, as well as providing the benefit of SCOR advice on program committees and activities. Each affiliated program is reviewed for continued affiliation at each SCOR Annual Meeting.

Process for applying for SCOR affiliation (REVISED in May 2023)

International Ocean Colour Co-ordinating Group (IOCCG)

The International Ocean Colour Co-ordinating Group (IOCCG) was originally established under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), following a resolution endorsed by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). IOCCG is an international group of experts in the field of satellite ocean colour, which acts as a liaison and communication channel between users, managers, and agencies in the ocean color arena. The IOCCG is affiliated to SCOR since 1997.

SCOR past Affiliated Projects

International Ridge Studies (InterRidge): 1996-2024

Global Alliance of Continuous Plankton Recorder Surveys (GACS): 2012-2023

The Census of Marine Life (CoML): 2000-2010

Ocean Mixing Processes: 2008-2010

International Antarctic Zone (iAnZone) Program: 1997-2010

International Marine Global Changes Study (IMAGES): 1996-2012

Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) / Acoustic Monitoring of the Global Ocean (AMGO): 1996- 2002