Procedures for the Nomination and Election of SCOR Officers

  1. A call for nominations from national committees and affiliated organizations must be issued more than 6 months before the General Meeting. Nominations should include a suggestion of the position for which the candidate is being proposed, and a brief curriculum vitae. Candidates proposed must be Nominated Members of SCOR (see Constitution 8a). National committees may propose candidates from their own or any other member country.
  2. A Nominating Committee of three SCOR members will be appointed by the Executive Committee meeting prior to each General Meeting at which an election will take place. The Nominating Committee will normally include the Past President as its Chairperson. The role of the Nominating Committee is to provide an Executive Committee for SCOR that is balanced in terms of disciplinary and geographic distribution.
  3. Nominations will not be accepted later than 4 months before the General Meeting except as provided for in clause 4.
  4. Between 2 and 4 months before the General Meeting, the Nominating Committee, after scrutinizing the nominations received, may seek additional nominations for specific positions through direct consultations with national committees and/or affiliated organizations. This process may be needed in order to maintain the appropriate disciplinary and geographic balance on the Executive Committee.
  5. The Nominating Committee will prepare a final slate of candidates, one per position, and will confirm that the members of this slate are willing to serve.
  6. Two months before the General Meeting, the Nominating Committee will announce its proposed slate and send it, along with all nominations received, to all voting members of SCOR as defined in Clause 22 of the SCOR Constitution (Nominated Members and Representative Members of Affiliated Organizations). Nominations received as a result of action taken under clause 4 will be identified.
  7. Clause 22 of the SCOR Constitution states that when elections are held “only one Nominated Member from each Committee for Oceanic Research shall have a vote. One Representative Member from each Affiliated Organization may also vote.”
  8. No further nominations be allowed after the Nominations Committee has announced its slate of candidates.
  9. If three or more national committees do not agree with the proposed slate of the Nominations Committee, they may request that a formal election be held and that all nominations received be included on the ballot. Notice of a request must be received not less than 2 weeks before the start of the General Meeting and the election will be held on the last day of the General Meeting.
  10. If no vote is requested, the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee will be declared elected at the end of the General Meeting.
  11. This procedure has been approved by the 24th General Meeting of SCOR (Amsterdam 1998) and may only be modified by a majority decision taken at a General Meeting.