Judith Gobin, IABO

Ex-officio (2023-2026)

Judith Gobin

Prof. Judith Gobin is an internationally recognised marine scientist with a career spanning more than 40 years.  She has made significant contributions to the knowledge of marine biodiversity in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean; with numerous publications on a number of “new marine scientific records” and “new marine species” (approx. 298). As a foremost Benthic ecologist, her research began with her work in soft coastal marine sediments followed by rocky shores and more recently deep-sea ecosystems.

As a Caribbean Marine Scientist, she has achieved a number of firsts: Foremost is her appointment as the first female Professor in the Life Sciences at the St. Augustine Campus, UWI.

In 2018, she launched a book and 5-part DVD series, Deep Sea Wonders featuring footage (the first reveal of TT deep sea communities) from an expedition by the exploration vessel (EV) Nautilus; on which she was the first TT marine scientist onboard.

Professor Gobin has been making marine scientific interventions and continues to contribute globally to a number of key discussions on Ocean conservation and the sustainable use of marine resources. In this respect she is a CARICOM Adviser on Marine Genetic Resources and participated for 8 years in what has now become a reality- The Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty!

For her extensive contribution to marine sciences, in March 2023, she was honoured by a group of scientists who named a deep sea tube worm after her: Lamellibrachia judigobini.

As a UWI Lecturer for the past 22 years, she is especially proud of the positive impact she has made and continues to have on young scientists – both women and men.