SCOR Working Group 163

Coupling of ocean-ice-atmosphere processes: from sea-Ice biogeochemistry to aerosols and Clouds (CIce2Clouds)

Simplified schematic representing the coupled processes in the ocean – sea-ice – snow – atmosphere (O-SI-S-A) system that will be addressed in this working group. This schematic representation is not intended to include detailed processes required for a representative conceptual model, but rather emphasizes the need for connection between atmospheric and polar ocean components

Nadja Steiner (Canada) and Megan Willis (USA)
Other Full Members
Raul R. Cordero (Chile), Odile Crabeck (Belgium), Markus Frey (UK), Hakase Hayashida (Australia), Anoop S. Mahajan (India), Daiki Nomura (Japan), Jennie Thomas (France), Liyang Zhan (China)
Associate Members
Thorsten Bartels-Rausch (Switzerland), Jessie Creamean (USA), Srishti Dasarathy (USA), Bruno Delille (Belgium), Inge Deschepper (Canada), Francois Fripiat (Belgium), Sakiko Ishino (Japan), Hyung-Gyu Lim (USA/Korea), Louis Marelle (Norway/France), Klaus Meiners (Australia), Lisa Miller (Canada), Ilka Peeken (Germany), Jacqueline Stefels (Netherlands/Germany), Marcello Vichi (South Africa), Esty Willcox (Canada), Paul Zieger (Sweden)
Peter Croot
Terms of Reference
  1. To prioritize key coupled biological and chemical systems that drive atmospheric reactive trace gas, aerosol, and cloud properties in polar ocean environments. Synthesize expertise from ocean, sea-ice, snow, and atmospheric chemistry communities to provide a hierarchy of chemical species that reflect common overlapping science questions.

  2. To identify similarities and differences in controls on exchange processes between the Arctic and Antarctic O-SI-S-A systems. Compare and contrast common sea-ice and snow properties at both poles. Use this polar ocean comparison to describe how sea-ice properties control exchange processes, and constrain projections of future changes.

  3. To develop a conceptual model of exchange processes in O-SI-S-A systems, focusing on key reactive trace gas and aerosol species prioritized in O1. Conceptual model evolution will be based on existing observational and numerical expertise, and will reflect the impact of heterogeneity in sea-ice environments at present and under future climate change scenario.

  4. To develop interdisciplinary campaign planning recommendations to guide future studies and address model and measurement gaps. Building on the conceptual model (O3), we will identify future needs in observations and model parameterisations, and outline requirements for fully integrated, multidisciplinary and collaborative O-SI-S-A field, laboratory, and modeling research.

  5. To facilitate community and capacity building opportunities for sustainable multidisciplinary science at the O-SI-S-A interface. Engage scientifically emerging countries and early career scientists in both observational and modeling communities.

October 2021
Financial Sponsors
  1. November 2021 (online)

  2. January 2022 (online)

  3. May 2022 (online)

  4. 23-24 September 2022, Cape Town, South Africa

  5. September 2023 in Grenoble, France

Group Website