SCOR Working Group 130

Automatic Visual Plankton Identification

Mark C. Benfield (USA) and Phil Culverhouse (UK)
Other Full Members
Josué Alvarez-Borrego (Mexico), Elena Arashkevich (Russia), Philippe Grosjean (Belgium), Rubens M. Lopes (Brazil), Angel Lopez-Urrutia (Spain), Maria Grazia Mazzocchi (Italy), Michael Edward Sieracki (USA), and Hans M. Verheye (South Africa)
Associate Members
Carin J. Ashjian (USA), Cabell Davis (USA), Gabriel Gorsky (France), Xabier Irigoien (Spain), Priscilla Licandro (UK), Dughal Lindsay (Japan), Norm McLeod (UK), Song Sun (China-Beijing), and Bob Williams (UK)
Terms of Reference
  1. To encourage the international co-operation of software developers and marine scientists to use and enhance an appropriate open-source development platform, so that a common toolset can be built up over time that is of value to the community.

  2. To evaluate the limits of taxonomic resolution possible from image-based classifiers and develop means of improving the taxonomic resolution that can be achieved from plankton images. The working group will establish a basis for standards in taxonomic reporting by automatic labelling instruments.

  3. To review existing practices and establish standards in the use of reference image data used for training automation machines and in training people.

  4. To establish a methodology for inter-comparison/calibration of different visual analysis systems.

  5. To develop open-source software for application by the marine ecology, taxonomy and systems developers.  Publish the products of reviews by members of the Working Group, selected presented papers and workshop reports in an internationally recognised, peer-reviewed journal or a book by a major publisher.

October 2006
Financial Sponsors
  1. 2-3 June 2007 in Hiroshima, Japan

  2. 6-9 May 2008 in São Paolo, Brazil

  3. 13-16 May 2009 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

  4. 26-27 May 2010 in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France