2014 SCOR Annual Meeting

Bremen, Germany

Date: 15 September 2014 - 17 September 2014

Materials for Meeting

Agenda for 18 September Symposium on Oceanography in Germany (added 27 August 2014)
Call for Working Group Proposals
Logistical Information

Block Agenda
Call for Review of WG Proposals (download Compiled Proposals)

  1. Chemical Speciation Modelling in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs (MARCHEMSPEC)
  2. Towards comparability of global oceanic nutrient data (COMPONUT)
  3. International Network for the Study of How Organisms Respond to Environmental change (INSHORE)
  4. Patterns in global plankton biogeography (MARBIOG)
  5. Radioactivity in the Ocean, 5 decades later (RiO5)
  6. Designing a biological observing system in the Southern Ocean to inform global ocean observing of marine ecosystems (SO-eEOV)
  7. Optimized design of an ocean observing system for biogeochemistry in a changing climate
  8. Rheology, nano/micro-Fluidics and bioFouling in the Oceans (RheFFO)

Background Book for Meeting

Full Book in one pdf file (9.44 MB, added 15 August 2014)

Annotated Agenda and Participants List
Tab 1 – Opening Session (0.14 MB, added 8 August 2014)
Tab 2 – Working Group Reports and Proposals (4.14 MB, added 8 August 2014)

Tab 3 – Large-Scale Ocean Research Projects (3.8 MB, added 22 July 2014)

Tab 4 – Ocean Carbon and Other Activities (0.86 MB, added 30 July 2014)
Tab 5 – Capacity-Building Activities (0.1 MB, added 4 August 2014))
Tab 6 – Relations with Intergovernmental Organizations (0.11 MB, revised 18 August 2014)
Tab 7 – Relations with Non-governmental Organizations (0.55 MB, added 6 August 2014)

Tab 8 – Organization and Finance (0.03 MB, added 28 July 2014)
Tab 9 – SCOR-Related Meetings (0.02 MB, added 2 August 2014)


2014 Proceedings