2012 SCOR Annual Meeting

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Date: 21 October 2012 - 23 October 2012

Materials for Meeting

Background Book for Meeting

Annotated Agenda and Participants List (Added 18 September; 155 KB)
Tab 1 – Opening Session (Added 13 September; 22 KB)
Tab 2 – Working Group Reports and Proposals (Added 12 September; 4.25 MB)
Tab 3 – Large-Scale Ocean Research Projects (Revised 18 September; 496 KB)

Tab 4 – Ocean Carbon and Other Activities (Added 29 August; 163 KB)
Tab 5 – Capacity-Building Activities (Added 31 August; 1.09 MB)
Tab 6 – Relations with Intergovernmental Organizations (Added 28 August; 86 KB)
Tab 7 – Relations with Non-governmental Organizations (Added 30 August; 205 KB)
Tab 8 – Organization and Finance (Added 30 August; 31 KB)
Tab 9 – SCOR-Related Meetings (Added 31 August; 18 KB)

SCOR funds its annual meeting primarily from dues from national SCOR committees, but also relies on national SCOR committees to support some local costs for annual meetings. SCOR thanks the Canadian National Committee for SCOR (CNC/SCOR) for its diligence in arranging support from the following sponsors for costs of the meeting and meeting events. And we especially thank these sponsors!


Proceedings 48