This short online workshop will bring the air-sea interactions community together to discuss how we can contribute to Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) themes to make OASIS goals a reality. The 1-hour UN Decade Satellite Activity will encourage brainstorming and collaborations using short pre-recorded talks combined with highly interactive online tools. The workshop will use Gather.Town with separate rooms for each theme, whiteboards, a larger plenary session, and a poster session with small meeting areas for socializing.
The five themed breakout session discussion rooms will address:
What physical, biogeochemical, and ecological air-sea interaction processes should be included in the Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) to promote a Predictable Ocean? How well are these processes resolved or parameterized in models?
How can OASIS become truly global through capacity building and sharing?
What OASIS “Ocean Shots” are needed to make a Predictable Ocean?
What best practices need to be developed and promoted to ensure that in situ and remotely-sensed air-sea interaction observations and modelled variables are interoperable?
What Findable-Accessible-
Interoperable-Reusable (FAIR) OASIS data, models and products need to be developed to create a Predictable Ocean?
The OASIS for a Predicted Ocean event will be held during two identical one-hour sessions at the following dates and times. Please attend the most conveniently timed event for you:
Thursday, September 16 at 1400 – 1500 UTC, Posters & Socializing 1-hour prior & following
Thursday, September 16 at 2300 – midnight UTC, Posters & Socializing 1-hour prior & following
Thursday, September 16, Poster viewing is open all day
Please plan to log in early and linger afterward to socialize with friends and colleagues and view posters.
Please register for this workshop at no cost at the following link:
Event Organizers:
The OASIS for a Predicted Ocean event will be held during two identical one-hour sessions at the following dates and times. Please attend the most conveniently timed event for you:
Thursday, September 16 at 1400 – 1500 UTC, Posters & Socializing 1-hour prior & following
Thursday, September 16 at 2300 – midnight UTC, Posters & Socializing 1-hour prior & following
Thursday, September 16, Poster viewing is open all day
Please plan to log in early and linger afterward to socialize with friends and colleagues and view posters.
Please register for this workshop at no cost at the following link:
Learn more about the UN Ocean Decade Laboratory Events here.
More information at: