- Agency or Program
- EUMetSat
- Description
The main purpose of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) is to deliver weather and climate-related satellite data, images and products– 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This information is supplied to the National Meteorological Services of the organisation’s Member and Cooperating States in Europe, as well as other users world-wide. EUMETSAT is an international organisation and was founded in 1986.
- Main Website
- CPD/CB Link
Training – The following major activities are supported:
- European Virtual Organisation for Meteorological Training – Eumetcal project is funded by EUMETNET (a community of the European meteorological services) and EUMETSAT. Its aim is to facilitate cooperation on providing training in Meteorology, exchange and deliver online material, create lessons, and help on CAL (Computer Assisted Learning) techniques.
- EUMetSat Virtual Training – Course offerings in the Moodle eLearning system
- EUMeTrain – EUMeTrain is an international project which will run over 5 years starting in 2005, dedicated to the development of training material and training methods for satellite meteorology. (No website available yet)
- Principal Contact
Julia Figa Saldana – Julia.Figa <at> eumetsat.int
- Activity Summary
- Training activities are a crucial part of EUMETSAT activities to help users exploit satellite data. Proper training in the interpretation of satellite data and examples of the diverse uses of satellite data ensures that the images and products from our satellites are utilised to the utmost.
- EUMETSAT offers a range of training courses both in classrooms and online, and gives access to a large online library of training material, such as manuals, case studies, and interactive exercises.
- In accordance with a five-year training plan agreed upon by the EUMETSAT Council, EUMETSAT participates in various training projects and cooperates with national meteorological services and other meteorological organisations in organising workshops and training courses, and providing easily accessible and up-to-date training material for satellite data users.
- Resources