- Agency or Program
- European Space Agency
- Description
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
- Main Website
- CPD/CB Link
ESA Education – General and preparatory materials
Professional Education – See the resources below
- Principal Contact
Jerome Benveniste – Jerome.Benveniste at esa.int
- Activity Summary
The European Space Agency is organizing a new series of regular advanced thematic training courses. These trainings – covering initially ocean, land and atmosphere applications – are hosted in European Universities, with the host country rotating among the ESA Member States. The series began with the Ocean Remote Sensing Course (see below) and will continue in 2007 with a Land Course in Portugal (see the Training Workshops schedule, also below). The ESRIN Summer Schools and the Dragon programme are also major components of ESA capacity building.
- Resources
Training Workshops – schedule for numerous upcoming opportunities
Ocean Remote Sensing: Methods, Tools & Applications – General and specific lecture materials from a previous workshop, including Ocean Colour, MERIS, BEAM, ASAR, AATSR, SST
The ESA ENVISAT Summer Schools are held in ESRIN (near Rome, Italy) from end July through mid-August. Courses cover a broad spectrum of research issues related to the Monitoring and Modelling of the Earth System – including the ocean, atmosphere, biosphere and cryosphere – with a cross cutting focus on data assimilation techniques, illustrating how they maximize the scientific and economic value of earth observation data. Previous years’ programs and abstracts are provided in an archive.
ESA-NRSCC Dragon Cooperation Programme – ESA, together with the National Remote Sensing Centre of China (NRSCC), an entity under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R. China, have cooperated in the field of Earth observation application development for the last ten years. An intensive, multi-year training program is profiled here, with links to materials presented at previous workshops.