SCOR and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) have signed a collaboration agreement aimed at furthering synergies between SCOR and ICES based on their mutual interest in:
• Enhancing the working collaboration between SCOR and ICES and establishing and maintaining collaborations with other international organisations with related goals,
• Supporting international cooperation of marine scientists through working groups, workshops, symposia, and infrastructural and research projects,
• Facilitating capacity development, including the professional development of early career scientists through scientific collaboration, training opportunities, and travel grants, and
• Furthering synergistic opportunities through the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development activities, and especially together with the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) through the joint ICES/PICES Ocean Decade programme SMARTNET.
The agreement was signed by Patricia Miloslavich, Executive Director of SCOR, and William Karp, President of ICES during the UN Ocean Conference held in Lisbon in June 2022.