SCOR Working Group 144

Microbial Community Responses to Ocean Deoxygenation

Bess Ward (USA)
Other Full Members
Sean Crowe (Canada), Virginia Edgcomb (USA), Veronique Garcon (France), Steven Hallam (Canada), Klaus Juergens (Germany), Elsabe Julies (Namibia), Phyllis Lam (UK), Nagappa Ramaiah (India), and Osvaldo Ulloa (Chile)
Associate Members
Mark Altabet (USA), Annie Bourbonnais (Canada), Karen Casciotti (USA), Francis Chan (USA), David Conley (Sweden), Robinson (Wally) Fulweiler (USA), Jung-Ho Hyun (Korea), David Karl (USA), John Kaye (USA), SWA Naqvi (India), Nancy Rabalais (USA), Mak Saito (USA), Frank Stewart (USA), Matt Sullivan (USA), and Jody Wright (Canada)
Patricia Miloslavich
Terms of Reference
  1. Convene a practical workshop in Saanich Inlet, a seasonally anoxic fjord off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, to ground-truth common standards for process rate and molecular measurements and identify model ecosystems for future cross-scale comparative analyses.

  2. Convene a meeting at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, Germany to codify standards of best practice, and compose a white paper describing said standards and opportunities.

  3. Sponsor a workshop at the marine lab of the University of Concepcion, Chile, to disseminate the best practices described in the white paper, and to provide hands-on experience to international participants, and local students and scientists, with those practices.

  4. Convene a meeting at the National Institute of Oceanography in Goa, India, engaging local students and scientists in the project. The goal of this meeting is to compile a peer-reviewed monograph, which will be published as an electronic book in an open-access journal such as Frontiers or PLoS to ensure both visibility and long-term access.

November 2013
Financial Sponsors
  1. February 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

  2. 14-18 July 2014, Saanich Inlet and Vancouver, BC, Canada

  3. 30 August-3 September 2015, Warnemunde, Germany

  4. 2-5 December 2016, Goa, India

  5. Final Symposium: Flyer and Schedule of Sessions

Group Website