IQOE Metadatabase of Ocean PAM Recordings

IQOE has been compiling metadata of ocean PAM recordings since early 2020. As of today, there are 3,875 public and 681 private records since 1999 that are one day or longer in duration, and 99,802 shorter recordings. See maps above.

IQOE will close submission for the first metadata product on 30 April 2025. After this time, a DOI will be sought for the metadata product comprised of the short- and long-term public metadata, with all metadata providers listed as contributors to the product. An article will be written describing the metadata and submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.

Please submit or update your metadata using this form.

IQOE intends to update the database at least annually with additional metadata submitted.

Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions about this process.

Best regards,

Ed Urban

IQOE Project Manager