- Gather, share and act upon the international community needs regarding the IOCCP theme they are responsible for.
- Work with the IOCCP Office and members of the community to develop, coordinate and implement specific activities.
- Represent IOCCP, particularly in their area of expertise, at international meetings and workshops, and report back to the SSG and the Project Office on relevant actionable outcomes of these meetings.
- Encourage national and international funding agencies to support existing and newly developed activities.
- Encourage coordination of efforts and collaboration with organisations and projects involved in marine biogeochemistry observations.
IOCCP SSG meets once a year in-person, and three times a year remotely. The expected time commitment for IOCCP activities is on average 2-3 days per month, which might occasionally cumulate around specific activities. More information about the current SSG is available at: IOCCP Scientific Steering Group.
In this call we seek to fill up to 2 IOCCP SSG positions described below. The responsibilities of newly appointed members will include the following IOCCP activities:
Position #1: Coordination of Nutrients Essential Ocean Variable
In particular, we seek individuals with experience/expertise and interests in:
- coordination of regional and national efforts related to output quality and inter-comparability of global nutrient analysis, including the production and use of nutrients reference materials and international inter-laboratory intercomparison studies;
- enabling global access to national and regional training and mentoring opportunities around nutrient data collection and analysis;
- facilitation of integration of observations and data across the coastal and open ocean continuum, and coordination of further development and use of relevant best practices;
- promoting incorporation of new sensor technology.
Position #2: Coordination of Nitrous Oxide EOV and Methane observations and data management
In particular, we seek individuals with experience/expertise and interests to:
- develop coordination structure for regional and national observational efforts to integrate N2O/CH4 measurements with existing GOOS observing networks and the WMO Greenhouse Gas Watch,
- expand existing global capacity to make N2O/CH4 observations and facilitate incorporation of new instrument and sensor technology,
- streamline and promote the use of the analytical reporting procedures to be used for N2O and CH4, and coordinate further development of relevant Standard Operating Protocols,
- work with the international community to develop and implement plans for further inter-comparison studies to strengthen our collective ability to evaluate spatio-temporal variability in marine N2O and CH4,
- coordinate further development and use of the MEMENTO database, including promoting regular data submissions allowing development of data synthesis products essential for supporting global modelling efforts.
While IOCCP strives to have equitable representation on the SSG, for both positions we seek individuals who would expand IOCCP’s capabilities to address issues related to better integration between open ocean and coastal observations of marine biogeochemistry resulting in high quality, interoperable data of use for many applications ranging from climate science, through operational services, to ocean health. We seek individuals who are familiar with the ongoing community initiatives and needs. Ideally candidates would have research experience on an international level and a working overview of the global landscape within the selected Theme. We encourage applications from individuals with strong leadership skills and past experience in providing strategic guidance, e.g. through international working groups or steering committees participation.
To make inquiries and/or to submit your applications, please contact the IOCCP Project Office (ioccp@ioccp.org) by 19 July 2024. Please provide the following information in your application:
CV including (at a minimum)
- Full name
- Affiliation and held positions in the past 5 years
- Contact information (incl. email and website if available)
- Membership in national and international networks, programs, expert working groups, etc.
- Up to 10 most relevant publications
Brief description (300 words max.) of how you see yourself contributing to IOCCP Terms of Reference and what is your proposed vision for activities related to the advertised position
The IOCCP Office