We are thrilled to inform you that the schedule for the upcoming OA Week 2023 is now available at http://www.goa-on.org/ webinars/OaWeek2023/webinar. php. This online event will take place from 30 October to 3 November 2023 and is designed to provide a platform for the ocean acidification community from across the world to exchange their latest findings through thematic sessions, plenary presentations and community engagement activities.
We would like to bring your specific attention to three sessions focused on issues closest to IOCCP mission:
- the “Sensors Session”, planned for the first day of the OA Week, co-moderated by IOCCP Co-Chair Dr Kim Currie. During this session, you will hear from IOCCP SSG members: Dr Véronique Garçon (IOCCP Co-Chair), Dr Dariia Atamanchuk, and Dr Adrienne Sutton, among other speakers. Discussions will be focused on adequate monitoring of areas that are vulnerable to ocean acidification with a combination of suitable sensors available at an appropriate cost. To learn more about the speakers and to register, please visit the session page: [closed]
- the “Quality Data – OARS 1”, planned for the third day of the OA Week, moderated by IOCCP Co-Chair Dr Kim Currie and listing several former and current IOCCP SSG members as speakers, will be focused on enabling the global scientific community to provide adequate OA data and data synthesis products to allow determination of the progress and trends of acidification throughout the world’s oceans.
To learn more about the speakers and to register, please visit the session page:[closed]
- finally, the “Best Practices Session”, planned for the fourth day of the OA Week, moderated by Professor Andrew Dickson will be focused on improving the ability to measure carbonate chemistry, including through capacity building and writing practical research guides, identifying impurities of meta-Cresol purple to improve quantification, and developing a calculator for quantifying pH measurement uncertainty.
To learn more about the speakers and to register, please visit the session page:[closed]
The IOCCP Office