Registration is open for the 2023 SCOR Annual Meeting!
Dates: 17-19 October 2023
Location: Guayaquil, Ecuador with option for virtual participation
Time: 9:00-17:00 ECT (GMT-5) daily
- 16th October. Pre-Meeting Event: Marine sciences in Ecuador – organized by INOCAR (Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada, Ecuador) and SCOR
- 17th October. Session 1: Opening, discussion of new WG proposals
- 18th October. Session 2: Reports/updates from current SCOR Working Groups and research projects
- 19th October. Session 3: Reports/updates from infrastructural projects, affiliated organizations and capacity development activities, closing of meeting
The website for the meeting contains a link for registering, and will continue to be updated with information related to the event including reports of activities from the SCOR Working Groups and Projects as well as logistical information for those traveling to the meeting.
The purpose of the SCOR Annual Meetings is to make it possible for national SCOR committees and partner organizations to learn of SCOR accomplishments in the past year, to oversee the work of SCOR, and to approve new working groups and the SCOR budget for the coming year. SCOR meetings also provide an opportunity for international marine science projects and organizations to provide updates about their current work and plans for the future.
SCOR annual meetings are open to any participant and there is no registration fee. Participants interested in attending in person are asked to register by 1 September.
Looking forward to your participation!