IIOE-2 Science Plan Development Committee (SPDC)

in 2014, SCOR formed a committee to develop a Research Plan for the IIOE-2. This plan will be based on the foundation of the Reference Group's work and will feed into an Interim Planning Committee for the IIOE-2, co-sponsored by IOC, SCOR, and IOGOOS. 

Members of the IIOE-2 SPDC were drawn from nations historically involved in Indian Ocean research, including both scientists from within the region and scientists from beyond the region.

Name Expertise Institution Country
Raleigh Hood, Chair Biological oceanography University of Maryland USA
Hermann Bange Chemical oceanography and air-sea interactions Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Germany
Lisa Beal Physical oceanography University of Miami USA
Lynnath Beckley Fisheries oceanography Murdoch University Australia
Greg Cowie Organic ocean chemistry University of Edinburgh UK
Harry Hendon Tropical climate and climate prediction The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research Australia
Juliet Hermes Physical oceanography and climate, observations South African Environmental Observation Network South Africa
Makio Honda Biogeochemistry JAMSTEC Japan
Frank Peeters Paleoceanography Vrije Universiteit Netherlands
Sunil Singh Chemical oceanography Physical Research Laboratory India
Weidong Yu Physical oceanography First Institute of Oceanography China-Beijing
Liaison to IOC
Nick D’Adamo Physical oceanography Perth Office, Australia IOC
SCOR Staff
Ed Urban Marine biology SCOR Secretariat, USA SCOR


Terms of Reference

  1. Gather input from the international community about research interests in the Indian Ocean for 2016-2020
  2. Condense and summarize this research into international research priorities.
  3. Promote the IIOE-2 concept in national and international fora.
  4. Liaise with national planning committee on IIOE-2 development.
  5. Help plan launch event of IIOE-2 in Goa in December 2015.