International Symposium Planning Committee (ISPC)

in 2014, SCOR, IOC, and the Indian goverment formed a committee to plan a symposium that will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Institute of Oceanography (India) and the the 50 years of research in the Indian Ocean since the completion of the International Indian Ocean. The symposium will also feature the launch of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2).

The symposium is planned for 30 November-4 December 2015, in Goa, India, at the National Institute of Oceanography. The symposium is being planned by an international committee co-chaired by representatives from SCOR, IOC, and the Indian government.

Name Expertise Institution Country
Shailesh Nayak, Co-Chair Remote Sensing Ministry of Earth Sciences India
Peter Burkill, Co-Chair Biology University of Plymouth UK
Vladimir Ryabinin, Co-Chair Physical oceanography Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission France
Nick Hardman-Mountford Remote Sensing and Biogeochemistry CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Flagship Australia
Venu Ittekkot Sedimentation University of Bremen Germany
Margareth Kyewalyanga Biological Oceanography (Primary Productivity) University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Michael McPhaden Physical Oceanography National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration USA
Fangli Qiao Ocean Modeling First Institute of Oceanography China
Eric Raes Biological Oceanography University of Western Australia Australia
Mike Roberts Physical Oceanography Oceans and Coastal Research South Africa
Satheesh Shenoi Remote Sensing Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services India
Marie-Alexandrine Sicre Palaeoceanography Universite Pierre et Marie Curie France
Bernt Zeitzschel Link with IIOE-1 Retired Germany
SCOR Staff
Ed Urban Marine biology SCOR Secretariat, USA SCOR
IOC Staff
Nick D'Adamo Physical oceanography IOC Perth Office IOC
Albert Fischer Physical oceanography IOC Headquarters IOC