Work related to the IIOE was conducted by several different groups devoted to different topics and activities, including the following
The IIOE had a substantial program of meteorology, supported by ships and aircraft. One of the activities in meteorology was the establishment of an International Meteorology Centre in Bombay. This was funded by the UN Special Fund. The draft proposal to the UN Special Fund and some draft correspondence related to the proposal can be found here. Prof. C.S. Ramage (Univ. of Hawaii) was appointed to coordinate the meteorological aspects of the project. Ramage convened a meeting of meteorologists in Bombay on 18-20 July 1961.
The biological program had several different elements. At the core was wide-scale sampling with the Indian Ocean Standard Net, developed for the expedition. This net was used to take vertical samples in a specified way, to provide a standard sampling protocol that could be compared basin-wide. Biological samples of all types were eventually sent to a Biology Center that was developed in Cochin, India. Another component of the biological investigations was a set of two land-based research camps, at Mandapam Camp, India and Nose Be, Madagascar. The United States funded a major biology program as part of IIOE.
A meeting was held in Cochin and Delhi on 14-17 August 1961 to discuss the sampling program for zooplankton and the proposal for a biological center (see agenda). A proposal for the center resulted from the meeting.
A series of intercalibration exercises were conducted to improve the ability to compare the results from different cruises. The first intercalibrations, on nutrient chemistry and primary production, were held in Hawaii starting on 3 September 1961. Dr. B.H. Ketchum (Woods Hole) led the nutrient intercalibration exercise and Prof. M.S. Doty (Univ. of Hawaii) led the primary production intercalibration. Other participants are shown on this circular.
Indian Ocean Standard Net:
Phytoplankton Methods Intercalibrations:
Doty, M.S. 1962. An analysis of data on primary productivity obtained at the time of simultaneous methodological work by scientists of various countries in the region of the Hawaiian islands. Okeanologiya 2:543-553
Doty, M.S., H.R. Jitts, O.J. Koblentz-Mishke, and Y Saijo. 1965. Intercalibration of marine plankton primary production techniques. Limnology and Oceanography 10:282-286.
Intercalibration Exercises:
Zooplankton Nets: August 1962 at SCOR-UNESCO Reference Station #1 (32°S, 111°50'E) aboard the Vitiaz.
Plankton Primary Productivity Techniques: 3-7 August 1962 off Fremantle, Western Australia aboard the Vitiaz.