General References from the International Indian Ocean Expedition
General References to the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE)
- Aleem,
A.A., and S.A. Morcos. 1984. John Murray/MABAHISS expedition versus the
International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) in retrospect. Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research
Papers 31:583-588.
- Bailey, R. 1964. The International Indian Ocean Expedition. The Ibis.
Behrman, D. 1981.
Assault on the Largest
Unknown. UNESCO Press, Paris.
P.L. 1963. Vityaz's studies under the programme of the International Indian
Ocean Expedition. Vestnik of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. No. 8,
pp. 97-104.
Bunce, E.T., M.G.
Langseth, R.L. Chase, and M. Ewing. 1967. Structure of the Western Somali Basin.
Journal of Geophysical Research 72(10):2547-2555.
Currie, R.I. 1961. Interogovernmental Oceanographic
Commission. Nature 192:1015-1016.
Currie, R.I. 1963. The Indian Ocean Standard Net. Deep-Sea
Research 10:27-32.
Currie, R. 1966. Some reflections on the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 4:69-78.
Deacon, G.E.R.
1964. International Indian Ocean Expedition. Nature 201:561-562.
Dietrich, G. 1965. Die
Internationale Indische Ozean-Expedition und die deutsche Beteiligung mit dem
neuen Forschungsschiff „Meteor“. Erde 96:5-20.
Dietrich, G., G. Krause,
E. Seibold, und K. Vollbrecht. 1966. Reisebericht der Indischen Ozean-Expedition
mit dem Forschungsschiff „Meteor“ 1964/65. „Meteor“ Forsch.-Ergebn.
A, No. 1, 1-51, Borntraeger, Berlin.
Hoffmann, R. 1991. Hot brines in the Red Sea. American Scientist
Humphrey, G.F. 1961. The unknown Indian Ocean: An
international investigation. New Scientist 9(216):36-39.
Humphrey, G.F. 1961. International research programs in
oceanography. International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Review
Humphrey, G.F. 1962. The role of UNESCO in the development of
oceanography. The Australian Journal of Science 25(2):37-40.
Humphrey, G.F. 1963. The International Indian Ocean
Expedition. Hemisphere 7(9).
Humphrey, G.F. 1972.
The biology of the Indian Ocean. Pp. 7-22 in
Bruun Memorial
Lectures presented at the Seventh Session of the IOC. IOC Technical
Series 10.
Knauss, J.A. 1962.
The International Indian Ocean Expedition. Science 134:1674-1676.
Krishman, M.S.
1960. International Oceanographic Expedition to the
Indian Ocean. Current Science 29(4):119-121.
J. 1961. How oceanography may help the hungry. New Scientist 12:232.
Leyendekkers, J. 1963. The International Indian Ocean Expedition. Fisheries,
Department of Primary Industry, Canberra, Australia 22(10).
Lyman, J.
1962. Report of the United States Participation in the International Indian
Ocean Expedition.
National Research Council. Undated. Press release about appointment of Robert
Snider to coordinate International Indian Ocean Expedition.
Panikkar, N.K.
1963.The Indian Ocean Expedition. Current Science 32:49-53.
- Pearse, V.B., J.C. Ogden, and S.J. Proctor. 2016. An experiment in graduate education: A marine science adventure across the Indian Ocean. Oceanography 29(1):90–97,
Pisharoty, P.R. (ed.). 1967.
Proceedings Symposium
Meteorological Results International Indian Ocean Expedition. India
Meteorological Department, New Delhi.
Ramage, C.S. 1962.
The United States meteorology programme for the International Indian Ocean
Expedition. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 43:47-51.
Ramage, C.S. 1962.
The International Indian Ocean Expedition. U.S.N. Hydrographic Office Pilot
Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean. Washington, no. 1400. August, 1962.
Ramage, C.S. 1963.
Meteorology in scientific expeditions. Bulletin of the American Meteorology
Society 44(1):1-3.
Ramage, C.S. 1963.
International Indian Ocean Expedition: Meteorological research goes to sea.
The Marine Observer April:74-78.
C.S. 1972. Recent meteorological results from the International Indian Ocean
Expedition. Pp. 23-37 in
Bruun Memorial
Lectures presented at the Seventh Session of the IOC. IOC Technical
Series 10.
Rao, T.S.S., and R.C. Griffiths. 1988. Understanding the Indian Ocean:
Perspectives on Oceanography. (IOC Ocean Forum II); Unesco, Paris, France.
Ryther, J.H. 1963.
International Indian Ocean Expedition. American Institute of Biological
Sciences (AIBS) Bulletin 13(5):48-51.
SCOR Working Group 11 on Atlases. 1964. Report
of the Working Group.
Snider, R.G. 1961.
The Indian Ocean Expedition: An international venture. Transactions of the
American Geophysical Union 42(3):289-294.
Snider, R.G. 1962.
Trends and discoveries. New Scientist 298:26.
Snider, R.G.
1962. Development of the International Indian Ocean Expedition. ICSU Review
Swallow J.C. 1972. A review of recent physical oceanographic work in the Indian
Ocean. Pp. 39-43 in
Bruun Memorial
Lectures presented at the Seventh Session of the IOC. IOC Technical
Series 10.
Sysoev, N.N. 1963. International Indian Ocean
Expedition. Geophysical Bulletin No. 13, pp. 18-28.
Tranter, D.J. 1963. Comparison of zooplankton
biomass determinations by Indian Ocean Standard Net, Juday Net and Clarke-Bumpus
Sampler. Nature 198:1179-1180.
UNESCO. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Information Paper. Nos. 1-14.
- Wolff, T. 2010.
The Birth and First Years of the
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). Published by SCOR, Newark,
Delaware, US
Wooster, W.S. Unesco's role in
the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Science 135:994-995.
Wooster, W.S. 1984. International
studies of the Indian Ocean 1959-65. Deep-Sea Research 31:589-598.
G. 1959. Proposed International Indian Ocean Expedition. Deep-Sea Research
Zeitzchel, B. 1971. The Biology of the Indian Ocean.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Zouttendyk, P. 1968. Quantitative Zooplankton Sampling
with the Indian Ocean Standard Net. Transactions of the Royal Society of South
Africa 38(1):23-27.