2010 SCOR General Meeting (13-16 September)
Toulouse, France



Breakfasts: Please check with your hotel whether breakfasts will be provided as part of your room cost.  The arrangements for lunches and dinners are described below.  We will provide a list of restaurants in Toulouse for the meals that will not be provided.


September 13

The first session of the meeting will start at 1 p.m. at the Grand Hotel d'Orleans.  Lunch and dinner are on your own.  The hotel has a restaurant, but there are also other options nearby. We are invited for a reception at 6:30 p.m. at the salle des Illustres, au Capitole. Instructions will be provided at the meeting.


September 14

There are many restaurant options near the meeting location, L'hotel d'Assézat, and we will supply a list of restaurants which will be prepared to receive extra customers at lunchtime this day. Dinner will also be provided, at restaurant Le Moaï at the Natural History Museum of Toulouse (35 allées Jules Guesde - 31000 TOULOUSE).


September 15

We will provide lunch at the meeting location, the Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales. We hope to arrange a dinner together, but plans are still developing.


September 16

We will meet again at the L'hotel d'Assézat. Lunch and dinner will be on your own again.