Sun Song

SCOR Vice-President (2014-2016)


Prof. SUN Song, is Director of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). He earned his PhD in marine ecology from IOCAS in 1994. As the team leader in marine science, Prof. Sun took part in the Chinese Antarctic Expedition three times. His research interest is mainly in marine ecology, especially in the zooplankton population dynamics and ecosystem dynamics. Prof. Sun is the chairman of China Oceanology and Limnology Society; Chairman of SCOR-China; vice chairman of the China Marine Fisheries Society; vice chairman of the Chinese Oceanographic Society; and member of the GOOS Steering Committee (IOC). He previously served on the Census of Marine Life Scientific Steering Committee. Prof. Sun is the Chief Scientist of the National Basic Research Program of China: “Jellyfish bloom in the Chinese waters, mechanism, key processes and ecological consequences” and Chief Scientist of the special project: “Western Pacific Ocean System: Structure, Dynamics and Variation”.